Grace For Healing
Trauma-Informed Christian Counselling
Why is empathy important?

Today we’re looking at why giving and receiving empathy is important. It’s a superpower that is often overlooked in this chaotic world that glorifies productivity.

I refer a lot to Biblical empathy, as I do feel there is a difference between the empathy that a Christian is able to offer someone. ( I don’t want to call it spiritual empathy as I don’t want you to get confused with the new age clairvoyant type beliefs that some subscribe to. )

Empathy is to respectfully perceive what the client is bringing from their frame of reference and to communicate that back in a way that makes the client feel they’ve been understood. Counselling Tutor

To add to this description, I would stress ‘emotional attunement’ as an attribute of empathy. 

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Life Position

Our Life Position and our healing go hand in hand. If we’re constantly operating from an Unhealthy Life Position, then we’re not walking in true authenticity.

Nor are we in the Ventral Part of the Nervous System.

As I’ve said so many times in this blog, I believe God heals us back to the person He saw when He laid the foundation of the world. This is our true authentic self.

If we continue to see ourselves and those around us through the lens of our childhood programming (if this is faulty), then our mental and physical health will be impacted.

This continues from the previous post entitled HOW EGO STATE THERAPY HELPS HEALING.

Today, I’ll give an overview of what a Life Position is, how and why it develops and the consequences concerning ourselves and our relationships with others.
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Today we look at how Ego state therapy helps us in healing

Ego state therapy is part of the transactional analysis theory, which explains why we sometimes think and feel as we do when interacting with others. 

Ego state therapy believes that we’re made up of different ‘parts’ or ‘egos’. Everything we think, feel, say and do stems from one of these egos.

We move around the ego states throughout the day, depending on who we’re interacting with at the time. Even if we’re only interacting with ourselves.

I personally believe that unprocessed trauma changes the way we relate to ourselves and others meaning that we can sometimes find ourselves, by default, operating out of an ego state in an unhealthy and unserving way.

If we don’t change this and healthily relate to ourselves and others, we may be priming our brains for sickness. 

So today I’ll give a brief overview of Ego state therapy, how to identify which ego we might be in and why and offer some ideas how we can move in and out of the various ego-states in an appropriate and healthy way.
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He gives His beloved sleep

Why does the Bible say ‘he (God) gives his beloved sleep’? 

Today we look at what the Bible says about sleep, it’s link to healing, and how God’s Word can help us in this essential part of our lives. 

Whilst most of us know that sleep is good for us, it’s also something that we often think we can short-circuit. 

We get caught up in the latest series on Netflix thinking ‘just one more episode’ or we feel we just can’t help but scroll through social media or watch youtube clips and before we know it, it’s 2am. 
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Today’s post explains why person-centred counselling is a conducive environment for any individual on a healing journey.

I would like to show today, why we can view the person-centred counselling approach through a Christian lens.

Originated by Carl Rogers, counsellors use this theory all over the globe and for good reason. People start to become who God created them to be.

We’ll explore how, while a child is planned by God, the person they eventually become may not align with God’s original intentions and how, through the person-centred counselling approach, the person begins to heal and align with who God created him to be.

When Jesus ministered, He did so as though the individual was the only person in the world. Jesus was person-centred. He sees the individual.

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prayer with authority

Today we look at how to pray with authority and it is part 2 of our series on The Centurion who approached Jesus.

When I joined my church, I noticed something very different about the way they were praying. There was authority, boldness and conviction. 

They declared victory.

My prayers seemed a bit weak and wimpy in comparison. I realised I had to change and step up my prayer life. Not so much about the time spent in prayer, but how I was praying.

A typical prayer for healing sounds like ‘Please God heal me’ which is a begging prayer and suggests a lack of revelation about our healing at the Cross.
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The faith of the Centurion stood out to Jesus, above everyone else in Israel. In fact, He was amazed!

“Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” Matt 8:10

Wouldn’t you just love it if Jesus was amazed at your faith?

So today, we look at the story of the Centurion, and in particular, whether or not we too can have ‘great faith’, or the type of faith that impresses Jesus.

You see other people wanted Jesus to visit their loved one (like Jairus), or they met with Jesus and had that close proximity. 

This was healing at a distance. Whilst this proved great faith, I think it’s important to remember that this took place before Jesus died. 
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common core beliefs

Welcome to part 2 of my study in looking at how our self-limiting beliefs or common core beliefs can hinder healing. I am specifically looking at the common core beliefs that, according to the TA Theory, refer to the messages children pick up from caregivers.

These are sometimes called the 12 injunctions.
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Today we’ll be looking at 12 Self-limiting Beliefs, (which I’ve taken from TA Theory’s Injunctions) that you may be unconsciously believing. 

As a child, whoever raised you, may have unwittingly communicated harmful messages or commands (injunctions) to you which you then internalised into self-limiting beliefs. 

These beliefs become so ingrained in the child, that they form part of the child’s unconscious identity, or Life Script, even into adulthood.

They greatly influence, in a negative way, the adult’s interaction with the world around them, their future and self-concept.

In essence, they disconnect us from life. 

Self-limiting beliefs stop us from living in the freedom that Christ died to give us. They also impact us on a physiological level, keeping us stuck on the healing journey
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When Jesus healed the paralysed man lowered before him, He first declaredWhen He saw their faith, He said to him, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.” Luke 5:20

Most people I know would interpret this as proving the link between unconfessed sin and sickness. 

It is a common interpretation that the man had sins in his life and therefore either caused his paralysis or hindered his healing.

Today I’m going to share my understanding of this passage; I hope it sets you free from any confusion or condemnation that your sin may have caused or delayed your healing. 
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