Grace For Healing
God wants you well
feeling unworthy of god's love

I believe that feeling unworthy of God’s love will hinder healing.

Today I will share why you perhaps feel unworthy and show you exactly why you do qualify for healing. As a result you will approach Jesus for your healing with boldness and confidence.

Here’s my experience:




When I first went on this healing journey, I would look at others and think “If God hasn’t healed her, what chance do I have?”

I didn’t realise at the time but I was feeling unworthy of God’s love and His desire to heal me.

My belief at the time, was that healing and spiritual maturity were linked. “If someone has a very close walk with the Lord, yet they’re still not healed, then there’s no hope for the rest of us.” Or so I thought.

Because of this, I disqualified myself.

Unconsciously I was feeling too unworthy of God’s love to expect anything good.

Imagine you were invited to a party; you really want to go, but decline because you feel like the ‘black sheep’, the ‘square peg in the round hole’. 

You feel so unworthy, you disqualify yourself.

Here’s the thing, when it comes to healing, Jesus has qualified you.

Whether you’re a fresh new Christian or you’ve been on the Christian walk many years, God says that you are worthy because of what His Son has already achieved.

How awesome is that?!




Do you think you’re not good enough to receive a healing?

Maybe you too think your relationship with God needs to be at a certain level? This is exactly what I thought. 

How many times have you compared your walk with someone else’s? Have you ever made a mistake, or sinned somehow, then instantly thought ‘God won’t heal me now?’

We need to understand, that healing is to do with Jesus and what He did for us on the Cross. We are forgiven, accepted and healed because of HIM, not our own goodness.

According to the culture, no-one was more unworthy of God’s love than the leper in Matthew 8. In fact, lepers couldn’t approach any man, least of all the Son of God. 

He was completely unqualified to worship or come near to God.

In the Bible, Leprosy was a physical example of what sin does to our lives – it’s destructive and highly contagious.

Leprosy is indiscriminate, it separates people from one another, spreads like wildfire and is completely incurable.

Leprosy is a disease that destroys, isolates and leads to death. In our sinful state we were also unfit to worship God. Even when we were at our very best, we still couldn’t reach the perfection of God.

You can understand the leper feeling not good enough to receive a healing from Jesus but he had such a powerful revelation of the grace of Jesus, he approached him despite his condition.

A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.

Matt 8:2



We see here that Jesus was a radical man!

He was living under the law where no-one touches lepers yet here he is; after coming down the mountain he reaches out to touch the one who was untouchable and unqualified, showing us that all are welcome.

God accepts us as we are.

He doesn’t wait for us to improve ourselves, nor do we have to earn his love or forgiveness. Feeling unworthy of God’s love is our perception, it’s not reality.

God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

The moment Jesus touched the leper, Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy’. Is this not the power of grace?

No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, the moment you approach the throne you’re cleansed instantly. feeling unworthy of god's love

Image: Rebekah Ballagh Journey to Wellness

Thank goodness Jesus came down! ‘He stooped down and he made us great’. Ps 18:35

Feeling unworthy of God’s love will keep us in a stress state and limit our ability to receive a healing.

Thinking we’re unworthy is detrimental to our health because it’s not in alignment with the truth of the Gospel of grace.

Christ has made you worthy. We are forgiven ‘for His name’s sake’, not our own. (1 John 2:12)

He…. remembers our sins and our lawless deeds no more.

Heb 8:12




If Christ were sick, would you think he was unworthy to be healed? Of course not, yet God sees you ‘in Christ’.

 Be confident that one drop of Jesus’ blood has the power to cleanse the sin of the whole world. There is no sin too great that he won’t forgive.

His blood qualifies even the worst of us. It’s the same with healing. 

Maybe you think you’re a failure, so you compensate by ‘doing more’ and ‘being better’. This is a driven-ness and a lack of authenticity that keeps that fight-flight state in overdrive making healing impossible.


Perhaps you’ve had a dishonest past or have made too many mistakes so why would God heal you now?

The leper knew his weakness;  but didn’t allow this to stop him in coming to Jesus. Jesus was a complete overpayment.

Feeling unworthy of God’s love devalues what Jesus has accomplished for us.  We are free to draw near to His throne of grace with freedom and confidence.

“When we feel shame, our bodies goes into toxic stress. That’s why we get that stressful feeling that we’re so familiar with. Your heart will beat faster, the cortisol and adrenaline will be there…..Shame creates neurochemical chaos in your brain. It’s very disruptive to the internal networks of your brain” Caroline Leaf

If you’re wanting God to heal your body, don’t listen to the voice of the accuser telling you you’re not good enough.

This is shame.

Instead, see Jesus right now extending his arm of love and forgiveness. 

Could you relate to that feeling of unworthiness or shame? Has this post helped you see that healing is all about Jesus?

 For more in the series



In categories: Healing Miracles in the Bible, MindBody Connection