Grace For Healing
God wants you well
the man with the withered hand

Today’s blog post is about the man with the withered hand. If you know the story, Jesus instructs him to ‘stretch forth his hand’ and his healing followed.

We’ll consider 5 ways we can become ‘withered’ on our healing journeys and in life. Then we’ll look at how we can gradually ‘stretch’ ourselves in a tolerable way that invites healing. 

Let’s dive in
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what is the autonomic nervous system?

So today we’re going to learn about our autonomic nervous system; more specifically the 6 nervous system states. 

Then I’ll offer some suggestions to some regulating resources that will support you in each state.

If you’re believing God for a healing breakthrough, then I believe it’s essential to understand the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and the onset of sickness. (I will discuss this in a future post).

But first, we need to know what the autonomic nervous system is.

God gave us a beautiful autonomic nervous system to help us navigate our way through daily life. 
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is anger a sin?

Today we’re talking about anger, more specifically, how I consider the question ‘is anger a sin?’

Not because I have ‘anger issues’ or an ‘anger management’ problem, but because research shows there is a relationship between repressed anger and chronic symptoms.

This kind of suggests that anger is a sin, certainly church life seems to reinforce this.

So today, I’ll give my understanding of how we are to view and deal with anger as Christians, why and how it causes illness and offer 5 steps to help release any anger so it won’t contribute to symptoms. 
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how to deal with shame

Today we’re going to look at how to deal with shame which I believe is often the root cause of our inauthenticity.

Mind-Body doctor Gabor Mate says that inauthenticity causes disease.

I’m going to suggest 3 possible masks you might be wearing to cover up your shame. This will give a greater understanding of how it shows up in your life and hinders your healing.

then I’ll offer ways to deal with the shame God’s way.

So let’s dive in.

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the story of Bartimaeus

The healing of Bartimaeus shows us how people pleasing can stop our healing. I love that Bartimaeus had enough shameless faith to ignore the crowds and pursue Jesus.

Today we take a brief look at the area of people-pleasing and how destructive it is for those who need healing.

Namely because people pleasers unconsciously put the voice and opinions of others above God’s.

People pleasers don’t fully accept who God has called them to be

When I trained in counselling, I was surprised to discover just how much of a people pleaser I was and how my whole life was rooted in shame.
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pick up your mat

When Jesus tells the paralyzed man to ‘pick up your mat and walk’, he is instructing him to be the head and not the tail.

When we’re paralyzed, we are

  • at the mercy of our disability
  • dependant upon others
  • we tolerate the situation

I believe God wants us to allow the Spirit in us to be in control whilst you journey through chronic illness. Oftentimes however, our survival skills and coping strategies run the show. 

We surrender our empowerment

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sin and sickness

Have you ever wondered if there is a link between sin and sickness?

By reading today’s post, I hope you’ll gain some insight into the relationship between sin and sickness, and that your mind will be put at rest.

Depending on your church background, you may find yourself going through every sin in the book, repenting and asking for forgiveness for any sin you could think of. 

There is something in our brains that needs some kind of explanation.

Does this resonate with you.

Perhaps you’re wondering if you opened the door to Satan?


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Today’s post is about the healing touch of Jesus. In just one touch, we see Jesus healing an outcast transforming him from death to life. 

If you continue to read on, you’ll discover the science behind touch and how it has the power to heal your body.

You’ll change the way you view physical contact and you’ll seek ways to introduce more of it into your world.
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