Grace For Healing
Trauma-Informed Christian Counselling
stronger faith

Few people had faith stronger than the woman with the issue of blood; Jesus said “Daughter your faith has healed you”.

Today we’re going to look at 3 different types of faith so you can see which one you identify with:

  • Inactive Faith
  • Re-active Faith
  • Proactive Faith

Perhaps you’re concerned that you don’t have enough faith for healing. There are so many people around that say it’s lack of faith that stops God’s healing.

I discovered the 3 types of faith and all that changed. (This is taken from Barry Bennett at Charis Bible College)

I’ll then give you 5 easy ways to build a stronger proactive faith that you can implement right now.

I hope this will cause you to relax as you take the pressure off of yourself. The Bible says we only need ‘faith as small as a mustard seed’ Luke 17:6.

My understanding is that It’s not so much that we need a stronger faith, we may just need a different kind of faith:

a pure, undiluted proactive faith

God deals to us all a ‘measure of faith‘ Rom 12:3. We don’t need to ask for more faith, it’s a fruit of the Spirit.

Barry Bennet from Charis Bible College teaches about 3 types of faith. Proactive, Reactive and Inactive Faith. 




If faith is inactive, then it’s pretty dormant, it’s not really benefiting anyone and doesn’t see results. According to the Oxford English dictionary, inactive means ‘not working.’

This is a bit like having legs but not being able to walk, eyes but being blind or ears that just can’t hear.

I don’t know about you, but I certainty don’t want this kind of inactive faith! 


It’s easy to talk the talk, but without really walking the walk. People may look at you and think you’re in faith because outwardly you’re doing the right things.

But inwardly your heart is in completely the wrong place. This is not the same as no faith, you can still be born-again but have an inactive faith. 

Perhaps you don’t want a relationship with God or maybe you’re religious; both these would result in an inactive faith.

When Jesus often made comments to his disciples like ‘oh ye of little faith’, I wonder if they would fall into this category?

There are certain times along our healing journeys where we could say we have inactive faith; when we’re full of negativity and doubts which dilute faith.

Battle fatigue happens to us all and can get the better of us. We can lose enthusiasm and think ‘what’s the point?’. This mindset is certainly hindering. Thank goodness God doesn’t let us stay there for long.

What are your experiences?



Reactive faith is when you wait for someone else to pray; for the anointed preacher to lay hands on you or to attend a healing conference. You’re relying on someone else’s faith.

The man at the pool of Bethesda, and the man with the withered hand had reactive faith. When Jesus singled them out, they responded favourably.

(Jesus) said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored.

Mark 3:5

It took faith for this man to stretch out his hand after years of disability. He was reacting to God’s command. Those with reactive faith still need to be open and expectant to what God wants to do in that moment.

We are all in different places in our walk so there certainly is nothing wrong with having this kind of faith.

Perhaps when you first began your healing journey, you relied a lot on the prayers of others. Maybe you attended lots of healing conferences and had prayer ministry for healing.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with allowing others to pray, in fact it’s important and part of being in the Church family.  But I’m no longer relying on someone else’s faith.

But as the years progress, I believe God wants to grow us to a place where we can now do this for ourselves. Reactive faith is only a problem I would say when we stay relying on others instead of seeking God in prayer ourselves.




Now here’s the thing. Where is Jesus today? He’s not outside us, He’s on the inside of us, in the form of His Spirit. This means we don’t need to rely on anyone else to pray for us or wait for some healing evangelist to lay hands. 

I think God wants us to have proactive faith like the woman with the issue of blood. She didn’t wait for any kind of permission from Jesus or for someone else to initiate her healing.

This inspirational woman was bold. Her faith wasn’t necessarily stronger, it was just different.

This proves to us that the healing power of the Holy Spirit is always flowing. It must be because Jesus didn’t even know who touched him yet the woman still received. She tapped into the power. 

Right now, in this moment the healing power of God is present to heal you. To think that the ‘power of God switches on and off’ is inaccurate.




If you remember, the Bible says that many were thronging him, but only one person received healing.

You see this remarkable woman touched Him with intention and expectation to receive. The other people in the crowd were touching him because He had a famous reputation.

Strictly speaking, God decided 2000 years ago to heal us. In fact the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is within us. God doesn’t turn it on and off when we pray or ask for it.

It is always flowing. 

Her own personal faith resulted in her healing, not because it was stronger, but because it was so proactive.

How do we make the shift from reactive to proactive faith?

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. 

Ps 63:1





There really was no natural hope for this woman. Her body wasn’t healing and doctors made her worse. She was at rock bottom!

Knowing the reality of her situation, she chose to pursue Jesus for that miracle. This is the first step in growing proactive faith.

When we know there is no solution in the natural, we either give up or we turn to the healer for something supernatural.

The woman with the issue reached out with intention and expectation. She brought her need to the Great Physician.



The woman with the issue of blood believed in her heart she could receive a miracle.

She knew Jesus was the solution to her problems. Her belief was “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.


I’ve shared before the story of Admiral Jim Stockdale, a fighter pilot shot down and imprisoned in the Hanoi Hilton during the Vietnam war.

Out of 1000’s of prisoners, he was 1 of only a handful of survivors. So why did he survive? He says this:

the way I survived was this; I realised I had to retain a fundamental belief that I would prevail in the end. 

Admiral Jim Stockdale

How true this is for us on our healing journeys? Do you believe you’ll prevail in the end?

What are you believing in your heart about your healing? Do you believe Jesus died for your healing? Growing a stronger and proactive faith means rooting yourself in His Word.

“with a humble spirit receive the word [of God] which is implanted [actually rooted in your heart], which is able to save your souls.” James 1:21




The woman in this story knew to meditate on the Word.

You see, a stronger faith comes by hearing the Word of God continuously; this guarantees you’re growing in proactive faith because He is the Word.

This causes the Word to sink into our hearts.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Rom 10:17 

The Word of God breaks the power of any doubting or negative thoughts by creating new pathways in the brain. “The implanted word will save your soul” James 1:21


By doing this, we develop a relationship with Him that isn’t dependent upon what He can do for us. Jesus is hidden in the Word; the treasures are there. And when we seek Him we will find Him.




After the woman implanted the Word of God, her thoughts and words were in alignment with the Word. 

“She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” Matt 9:21

She didn’t just believe this, she spoke these words.

When God created the heavens and earth, he spoke what he wanted to see. “Light be!” and there was light…” Words have creative power, even God himself spoke Creation into being.

The woman with the issue of blood sowed the Word into her heart and the words that came from her mouth matched effortlessly. 


We also use our words to build up and encourage others, to praise and to pray. We are transformed into His likeness.




This woman did more than just believe that God wanted her well; she acted upon it. She chose to pursue Jesus. Faith without works is dead” James 2:20 

Let me give you some ideas as to what this might look like: 

Can you do a little housework even though it’s much easier to let someone else do it or what about serving in church even though you don’t feel well? (Please use your own wisdom).

Image: Rebekah Ballagh Journey to Wellness

We don’t do these things to prove we have faith, not at all. These sorts of things are the consequences of proactive faith, the fruit

Whilst we don’t know about this woman’s home life, I wonder if she was already preparing for her miracle? Was she resuming housework despite her frailty? Praying and praising even though her life was in tatters? I’m certain she was.

What would your world look like if you developed a stronger faith by seeking Jesus with all your heart?

If you’ve been waiting for healing to just happen, how has this post encouraged you to live slightly differently whilst you’re still suffering?

Are you growing your proactive faith?


Why not take a look at



In categories: Healing Foundation