Grace For Healing
Trauma-Informed Christian Counselling
the power of the anointing oil

Lisa Bevere tells of when her son had a tumour under his tongue. They believed in the power of prayer with the anointing oil and within a couple of days of applying the oil, the tumour had disappeared.

In this instance, the healing took place quickly. 

So today we look at the power of the anointing oil. Is it actually powerful and do we really need to use it today?

There are people healed without the physical oil being present so I don’t see how it can be essential.

Yet the Bible does encourage us to use it, especially when we’re ill so let’s take a look at why and when we use it and whether or not it actually makes a difference:

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

James 5:15

I’m sure like me you pray daily for loved ones who are unwell. This is our mandate as believers, but how many times do you anoint with oil?

Do you just leave that for ministers and elders of the church?

(So here I am recapping what Joseph Prince teaches in his messages on the Power of the Anointing Oil, so do check this out.)






Olive oil is made up from crushed olives. You’ve probably never seen an olive press before. It’s made up of a large heavy stone weight which crushes the olives. 

This speaks of what Jesus went through when He hung on the cross. Isaiah says ‘He was crushed for our iniquities…..’

If you think of the weight of the sin of the whole world, past, present and future sin all put upon Jesus! I find it so interesting that the word ‘Gethsemane’ means ‘oil press’! 

Olive means ‘reconciliation, healing, light, victory, richness and peace’

The oil that results from the olive press process is the finest and purest form of the fruit; it wouldn’t be possible to crush it any further. 

So it makes sense that God asks us to apply the anointing oil when we pray for healing or breakthrough.

We’re in effect saying that we believe that healing, victory, reconciliation and peace are at the cross of Jesus. We’re not saying that there is power in the oil itself, it’s purely symbolic. 




Oil isn’t automatically anointing oil, it has to be prayed over first. Then it becomes holy, set apart for God’s purposes.  

So let’s say I anoint my home:

To me this means I can expect a peaceful and protected home from anything that the enemy has planned. And hopefully when I sell my home, I’ll fetch a great price! Of course I know that the power isn’t in the anointing oil. But it does scaffold and consolidate my faith further. 

It helps me to know that I have done everything I know to do, then God will do what He can do.




According to Psalms, when we apply the anointing oil for healing, we begin to see what we couldn’t see and hear before. 

But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; 

I have been anointed with fresh oil.

My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies;

My ears hear my desire on the wicked

Who rise up against me.  

Ps 92 v10-11

I find this verse really interesting. The word ‘fresh’ indicates that each time we pray and anoint, can we hear what God is saying right now?

In my experience, God leads people on their healing journey one step at a time. We therefore expect to hear what he wants us (or the person we’re praying for) to hear today. 

This is so relevant. It’s all about what God is saying in this moment and nothing more.

We don’t need to add our opinions or advice to the mix and we definitely don’t need to add our own explorations into the person’s history unless you definitely hear from God. 




The passage of Scripture that springs to my mind is the parable of the Good Samaritan who produces oil and bandages to apply to the badly beaten up man.

The anointing oil here represents the power of the Holy Spirit to heal wounds. 

He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.

Luke 10:34

Jesus tells us to ‘go and do likewise’ (v 37)

So whatever ailments people are suffering with, it’s our job to minister healing and believe that the power of God will heal. 

It’s interesting to me that the healing of this man wasn’t instant, suggesting that just because we minister healing, we don’t make demands on God, healing can be progressive and take time. 

My honest opinion is that as long as you know why we use the oil and that it has no power in and of itself, I tend to think why not use it?

Does there need to be an elder present? We are all called to minister healing so I would say no.

You and I are the ‘royal priesthood’. In a church setting though, then I would probably not do so without asking the leadership.




One of the definitions of olive is peace.

But I think it’s more than peace with God. If we’re struggling with fears, worries and stresses (or our mental health in general) because we trust in the power of the Holy Spirit, we can expect deliverance from such burdens. 

It shall come to pass in that day

That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder,

And his yoke from your neck

And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.

 Is 10:27

It’s not just for those who are physically sick. I believe the anointing of God is powerful enough to free us from any enemy, even those that doctors or the natural realm say are impossible. 

The anointing oil is not a magic potion with a special miraculous power. But it does represent something that is powerful and miraculous.

Can you imagine if we used it every time we prayed for ourselves or the sick?

Would we see more healings? Would it make a difference to our faith?

I’ll be honest, I don’t carry oil around with me like the Good Samaritan.  But I do believe God would like us to have that same eager expectation to minister healing wherever we are. 

I was once in a pub with a friend and we were chatting to a woman I’d only just met who turned out to be a lay minister. She asked to pray and anoint me. 

What struck me about her, was her expectancy. She told me she carried the pot of oil around with her in case she ever prayed for anyone. 

Our faith is in the finished work of Jesus and by using the oil we’re just reaffirming and declaring to ourselves, to God, to others and even to opposite forces that we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit in us to heal (symbolized by the anointing oil). 

It’s a simple act of obedience for us to follow James 5:15 and so I challenge myself to incorporate this into my life. 

How about you?

Have a great day

Lorna x

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In categories: Healing Foundation