Grace For Healing
Trauma-Informed Christian Counselling
meaning of bethesda

The meaning of Bethesda is House of Mercy.

I believe the Holy Spirt is telling us though the story of the lame man healed at the pool of Bethesda, that if we want a healing, we find it in the house of God, the Church.

Today I will show you 5 reasons why healing is found in the Church.

I’ve been in church nearly my whole life. In the past 20 years of my (healing) journey, I have learned to make God’s house foundational, despite feelings and experiences.

My parents taught me that NOTHING is more important than going to church each week. If I’m sick or if I’m well, if I’m employed or unemployed, when things are going well or badly.

I learned to go to the House of God when I was feeling confident or feeling insecure, if it was literally pouring with rain or if it was a heatwave, if I’m feeling suicidal or in my right mind.

It is not optional.

meaning of bethesda

The environment you’re in could determine whether or not you receive your miracle. God promises certain things, when we honour His house.

If you’re believing God for a supernatural healing, then making God’s house pivotal to your world, will position you for your breakthrough.

Here’s why:



Just as a flower needs the right conditions in order to grow, we too need the right environment in order to heal.

It’s God’s design.

Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.”

James 5:14

The church loves to pray and anoint with oil so the best place to be if you’re unwell. But it’s more that this.

The church provides for an environment conducive for healing that you won’t get elsewhere in the world.




It’s the Holy Spirit in you that heals you. Surely it’s better to be somewhere where the Holy Spirit and the sense of God’s presence is stronger?

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Matt 18:20

It’s easy when living with illness to stay at home on a Sunday morning, especially now we can watch God TV or watch online messages.

It may be difficult getting yourself to church when you’re in so much pain, but it will hurt more in the long run if you miss out on your miracle and all the benefits church has to offer.

Staying at home and watching online is not a strategy that will get results. We are more likely to experience our miracle when we’re together.

There is Holy Spirit power in unity.




The lame man lowered through the roof understood the meaning of Bethesda. He found faith-filled friends who took him to Jesus.

Where were the friends of the man at the pool of Bethesda?

This man was isolated, with no friends to take him to the pool. Are your friends or those you’re connecting with taking you to or away from Jesus?

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Proverbs 13:20


I encourage you to find friends who will commit themselves to praying for your healing and recovery, no matter how long it takes?

I pray you have Christian friends who can pray and stand with you no matter how long it takes.

meaning of bethesda

I ended a friendship once, because whenever I was with this person, I felt terrible about myself, as though my best wasn’t good enough.

This was not a healthy environment for me to thrive in. If we’re in a situation where we’re sensing danger, we will not heal.

Perhaps there is someone who is hindering your walk?

Being in the right Church and surrounding yourself with non-judgemental believers will give you a sense of safety.

Those who will stand and pray with you, believing God for your miracle.




Reading the Word privately is essential, but so is listening to anointed preachers of the Word. Without this, we’ll only grow so far. (Rom 10:14-15)

It often amazes me how some preachers can take a verse and get so much from it! When we read privately, to a certain extent we are in control of what we read which can be limiting.

When we’re in church, the leader or preacher will sow the seed and the Holy Spirit may cause you to hear a specific word for your situation. (Eph 4:11-12)

The type of church you’re in is also crucial for healing.

Are you in a church that believes for the impossible? Is your church a Bible-believing, grace-filled and Holy Spirit-led church? Does your church elevate the Word of God above natural circumstances?




If the meaning of Bethesda is House of Mercy, then that feeling of compassion and forgiveness needs to be tangible.

How do you feel when we leave a Church service? Do you feel condemned or not quite good enough? Or do you feel encouraged and motivated to keep on believing for that miracle?

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Is 55: 12-13

The church environment uplifts and creates a sense of peace and joy in our hearts irrespective of our circumstances. This is where the healing is

Imagine the difference it would make if every person who needed healing prioritised church as essential.

Church is home for the believer.

A place to be fed and nourished, feel loved and accepted and have that sense of belonging. This truly is the meaning of Bethesda and where healing is for each of us.

Did you know the meaning of Bethesda before this post? How has this altered your view on the importance of church life?

Do you need to make any changes to your world?

I hope this helps you today.

God Bless

Lorna x

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In categories: Healing Miracles in the Bible, The Healing Journey