Grace For Healing
God wants you well
healing power of the holy communion

Does the communion bread heal your body? Today I look at the healing power of the Holy Communion

Surely a small piece of bread cannot possibly heal an incurable illness?

I mean, it would be completely wonderful but it really does sound quite far fetched and almost too good to be true, doesn’t it?
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why does god allow sickness

Today we consider the question, why does God allow sickness and disease?

I’d like to offer 3 reasons for suffering that will hopefully give you some understanding as to why sickness is so rampant, even amongst believers. 

When I volunteered in the chaplaincy at my local hospital, I often encountered similar  questions like ‘if God is love, why does He allow sickness?’ or ‘why did my loved one die?’ 

Have you ever asked such questions?

Think of a young child, constantly asking why about anything and everything, eager to grow and understand. Even Jesus asked God ‘why have you forsaken me?’

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enter into God's rest

When you enter into God’s rest, you position yourself to receive all He has promised, including your healing.

Today we consider how the battle you are in belongs to the Lord (what this actually means!) and then I’ll share 7 ways that can help you enter into God’s rest.

Joseph Prince uses the analogy of a boxing match. The champion wins the battle and is awarded a trophy. He then goes home and gives the trophy to his wife.

He did all the work but she benefits 
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demolish strongholds

In today’s post, we look at how to demolish those strongholds that are holding us back from our healing.

I will define what strongholds are and how we develop them. Then I’ll speak on how I demolish destructive strongholds in 5 simple steps.

We learn through repetition. How many times do you find yourself singing along to your favourite song on the radio.

Chances are, you will have heard it many times, now all the words are hardwired into your system.

Unfortunately we can also repeat unhealthy or toxic thoughts, or strongholds, into our brains as well.

It’s as though they’re stuck on repeat; the rumination becomes 2nd nature as those thoughts become hardwired. 
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is god punishing me with sickness

God is NOT punishing you when you’re suffering so you can relax. There is nothing the enemy wants more than for us to see God as angry and distant, cursing us with sickness and disease.

By reading this post, you’ll give yourself a break for any wrong-doing as you realise just how impossible it is for God to punish you.

And I’ll suggest 6 pieces of evidence from Scripture proving God is not the cause of your suffering.

I completely get why some may think this, when we read of God punishing sin so severely in the Old Testament, even visiting people’s sins to the third and fourth generations!

When I was a child, I just loved the story of Jonah and the Whale. The excitement and thrill that God would send a large fish to swallow someone whole.
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are there spiritual causes for disease?

Is there such a thing as demonic influence or spiritual causes for disease? and is this the reason you’re ill today?

According to the Gospels, demons are everywhere! Jesus delivered people from demonic influence all the time and often the demons did cause sickness and disease.

Today we look at demonic influence today and whether or not this is something that causes sickness. More specifically you’re going to learn

  • about the roots of disease
  • demonic influence in the Bible
  • whether demons exist Today
  • demon possession
  • the causes of disease
  • curses
  • the occult
  • how to apply our freedom in Christ

I remember 20 odd years ago, deliverance ministry was strong amongst Christian healing ministries around the globe.
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a Syrophoenician woman

If you’re believing God for a healing, then check out the following 5 truths from the story of Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman.

So what can we glean from her story?

  • Jesus looks for authenticity
  • Humility and healing go hand in hand
  • God expects perseverance
  • Sin isn’t an issue for God
  • God heals through the faith of others

If you know the heart of Jesus, you will know how keen he is for us to be well and how it’s just not his nature to ignore us.

So how do you explain the story of Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman whom he disregarded? The story always baffled me as it appears to contradict Jesus’ willingness and generosity.

Close inspection reveals that Jesus wasn’t ignoring the woman. He was setting her up for her breakthrough.
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pick up your mat

When Jesus tells the paralyzed man to ‘pick up your mat and walk’, he is instructing him to be the head and not the tail.

When we’re paralyzed, we are

  • at the mercy of our disability
  • dependant upon others
  • we tolerate the situation

I believe God wants us to allow the Spirit in us to be in control whilst you journey through chronic illness. Oftentimes however, our survival skills and coping strategies run the show. 

We surrender our empowerment

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