Grace For Healing
Trauma-Informed Christian Counselling
do not be conformed

The Bible asks us to NOT be conformed to the pattern of this world’s thinking.

Today we look at 4 areas that can keep us stuck in our thinking whilst on a healing journey. I believe the woman with the issue of blood needed to change her thinking in these areas in order to receive her healing.

  1. Self-righteousness
  2. Not knowing God’s love
  3. Condemnation
  4. Victimhood

I pray this post will help you identify if any of these areas are keeping you stuck a little as you believe God for healing. 
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faith in god

Today’s post is about how we can determine if our faith is in God or man?

We can have faith in man on 3 levels when believing God for healing.

  • Faith in medicine
  • Faith in the church
  • Faith in self

There can be a very fine line because we need to have faith filled Christians around us and often God does use medicine. It’s also easy to have faith in our faith!

I hope by the end of this post, you’ll be more aware of the danger of trusting in the wrong thing and how easy it is to do.
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how to deal with shame

Today we’re going to look at how to deal with shame which I believe is often the root cause of our inauthenticity.

Mind-Body doctor Gabor Mate says that inauthenticity causes disease.

I’m going to suggest 3 possible masks you might be wearing to cover up your shame. This will give a greater understanding of how it shows up in your life and hinders your healing.

then I’ll offer ways to deal with the shame God’s way.

So let’s dive in.

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does god heal unbelievers?

Does God heal unbelievers or is this a privilege for Christians?

Perhaps you’re believing for a friend’s healing but you have doubts because he’s not a Christian as yet. I hope this post will encourage you in your faith as you stand in the gap for your friend.

Yes I believe God does heal unbelievers!

Today we look at the example of Naaman, who worshipped a different God and so represents the world of unbelievers. God heals him from leprosy even though he isn’t an Israelite.

We’ll also look at how unbeliever’s receive healing so you’ll have a greater understanding the next time you pray for someone.

Does this mean that God will still heal unbelievers today?
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Today I begin a new series on the lessons from the story of Naaman; the most well known healing in the Old Testament. 

This post will help you recognise pride, how it enters our lives and and hinders healing. I’ll also suggest 2 antidotes to pride so you can start allowing God to work in this area.

In my eperience, pride is so unconscious, most people assume they don’t have it but, If you’re believing God for a healing, it’s worth considering if pride is hindering your healing journey.

Now back to Naaman:

Naaman knew he had leprosy but God saw his heart. He had a pride issue.
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demolish strongholds

In today’s post, we look at how to demolish those strongholds that are holding us back from our healing.

I will define what strongholds are and how we develop them. Then I’ll speak on how I demolish destructive strongholds in 5 simple steps.

We learn through repetition. How many times do you find yourself singing along to your favourite song on the radio.

Chances are, you will have heard it many times, now all the words are hardwired into your system.

Unfortunately we can also repeat unhealthy or toxic thoughts, or strongholds, into our brains as well.

It’s as though they’re stuck on repeat; the rumination becomes 2nd nature as those thoughts become hardwired. 
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the meaning of bartimaeus

The meaning of Bartimaeus is ‘Son of Honour’. Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus suggests that honouring God opens the door to healing.

Today I give you 5 ways in which we can instantly increase honour towards God.

I don’t think you can receive a healing from God without honour. In his book, ‘The Honour Key’ Ps Russel Evans says this about the lifestyle of Jesus.

‘Every miracle, every breakthrough…….happened when people honored what he carried…..or honored who He was’

I remember listening to a John Bevere teaching on honour. He points out that there are far more healings and breakthroughs in Africa than in our Western countries, because of honour.

When Africans listen to the Word from a preacher, they are on the edge of their seats, captivated by what God is saying.

They understand the meaning of honour, just like Bartimaeus in our series.

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the story of Bartimaeus

The healing of Bartimaeus shows us how people pleasing can stop our healing. I love that Bartimaeus had enough shameless faith to ignore the crowds and pursue Jesus.

Today we take a brief look at the area of people-pleasing and how destructive it is for those who need healing.

Namely because people pleasers unconsciously put the voice and opinions of others above God’s.

People pleasers don’t fully accept who God has called them to be

When I trained in counselling, I was surprised to discover just how much of a people pleaser I was and how my whole life was rooted in shame.
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God says you are worthy

God says you are worthy. You have to fully believe this in order to receive a healing.

Today’s post is about the relationship between self esteem and healing. The story of blind Bartimaeus shows us that how we see ourself matters if we are to receive healing.

By reading this post, I’ll suggest the main causes of low self esteem and why this hinders healing. I then give you 7 actionable steps you can take that will support you in your self-esteem journey. 

Let’s dive in:

Have you noticed, that in every community, there is always the ‘in’ crowd. You know, those who tick the right boxes.

Then there’s those who feel like a square peg in a round hole.
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pick up your mat

When Jesus tells the paralyzed man to ‘pick up your mat and walk’, he is instructing him to be the head and not the tail.

When we’re paralyzed, we are

  • at the mercy of our disability
  • dependant upon others
  • we tolerate the situation

I believe God wants us to allow the Spirit in us to be in control whilst you journey through chronic illness. Oftentimes however, our survival skills and coping strategies run the show. 

We surrender our empowerment

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