Grace For Healing
God wants you well

This post will teach you the simple Biblical formula for healing in the Word of God.

Have you ever prayed and prayed, thinking that you would awake one morning to find all symptoms disappear?

Only to wake up the next day to be disappointed.

Now I share with you the 2 step formula for healing in the Bible.

Keep on reading:
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loneliness of chronic illness

Loneliness and chronic illness go hand in hand. But there is good news (and bad.)

Unfortunately, loneliness can contribute to the onset of an illness and can therefore certainly hinder the healing process. The good news however is that we can do something about it; (and it’s not what you think.)

By the end of this post, I hope you will be set free from the impact loneliness may have on your body as you realise just how simple the solution is. (Plus Your faith will increase which is always a bonus)

Know it is normal to struggle on your own with very few people understanding the impact pain and illness have on your mental state, making you feel even more isolated.

I wonder if you feel different because you can no longer join in with ‘life’ and the activities you once enjoyed with others have now stopped? 
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evil conscience

Famous Psychiatrist Karl Menninger believes that an evil conscience is making people ill. So if you’re unwell in your body right now, I hope that this post may shed some light as to one possible reason believers are not receiving their healing.

This post also gives us some tips on how to allow God to set us free, thus opening the door to healing.

An evil conscience is really the Bible’s definition of being sin conscious. (Heb 10:22). It’s not the sin itself contributing to illness, but the guilt or condemnation that can sometimes follow it.

Menninger famously said that if he could convince those in his psychiatric hospitals that their sins were forgiven, 75% of them could walk out the next day.
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